Saturday, 29 October 2016

What's been happening....

A very big thank you to Katie Longhurst (Clement's Mum) who came in on Tuesday as our Mystery Reader. We were treated to a fantastic story 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' which had the children captivated and imaginations running wild with the idea of food being able to fall from the sky :-)

We are delighted to introduce you to another new friend that has joined our class this week. A warm welcome to Vannissa who has settle right into our classroom and is having a great time meeting all her new classmates and teachers. 

We have been finishing off all of our research and inquiries into weather. Everyone had a good think about one type of weather they were really interested in finding out more information about. Tornadoes and hurricanes were very popular! The children grouped themselves with others who were interested in the same weather condition and each came up with three questions. The questions had to help guide their inquiry so we chose to start our questions using the 5 Ws and H - Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. Once the three questions were done the children chose how they would like to research. Some went on the iPads - kidrex, others on the computers, some used books or talked to an adult about getting information to answer their questions. Everyone did a fantastic job!

We have also been very creative this week by planning a day according to the weather. From choosing a weather type and mapping out: What to wear, what it looks like, what activities can you do, what effects this weather has on people, what we need and where can you go in this weather. It showed me that the children had made lots of connections during this unit and were full of fantastic ideas when planning out their day.

Come and see our beautiful art work!! The children produced some absolutely stunning pieces of art that are now displayed with pride outside our classroom. Please be sure to come up and take a look if you are in school. A very proud teacher :-)

Here is a sneak peak of just one of our pieces :-)

Heart Maps! What we hold dear to our heart:

We also made weather collages and poems to go with them. Please do come in to see and read them, they really are fantastic! 

Here we are working hard on them.

Ms Dee worked with us on Friday and we reviewed 'Geckos Choice' and how to deal with little and big problems. This week we learnt about different ways we can calm ourselves down. We read a book together that gave us many ideas to help us to calm down if we get angry. Ask your child if they can tell you some of the ways they know or learnt to help them calm down.

We also did some 'Butterfly Breathing' which was very relaxing and had us almost falling asleep because everyone was so focused. 

Finally a gentle reminder that Monday is a holiday and there is no school. We will be back as usual on Tuesday, November 1st.

Have a great long weekend everyone!

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