Monday, 17 October 2016

Our Book Week!

Visiting Author

Our class got to meet our visiting Author in Residence: Ellen Leou from Hong Kong. She read us one of her books about Lulu the cat. She told us that her books are based on her own cat and showed us a short video of her inspiration. We enjoyed looking at the books that she had written and talking to her about writing them.

Poem in your pocket

It was such a nice start to the morning to have the children share a poem from their pocket with the class. Some brought a poem from home and bravely read them to the whole class! Well done Clement, Maƫle and Jennita.

Progressive Book

We worked very hard to design our page of the progressive book going through each grade in elementary. Early years started the story off for us, then KG added their ideas. When we received the book we brainstormed all of our ideas as a class and soon came up with an adventure for the story to continue with. We can't wait to see the finished product.

Our page!

Mystery Readers

A very big thank you to all the parents and grandparent that came to our class during book week to read to us. We thoroughly enjoyed all of the stories and it is always fun trying to guess who will be reading to us :-)

Character dress up 

How much fun did we have! Check out our awesome costumes :-)


I asked the children to bring to school or send in some pictures of them in different types of weather. Thanks so much to the children and parents who sent in their pictures. We had a show and share session where the children who had pictures were the experts and had small groups rotating around the class getting to see all the pictures and ask questions to our experts. There were lots of interesting questions and some great discussions about the clothes they were wearing and the activities they do in different types of weather.


On Wednesday we talked a lot about the clouds. I read a book to the children 'Little Cloud' By Eric Carle. The book talks about a little cloud that sees all sorts of shapes and objects made by other clouds. It got us talking about what we have seen before in the sky and how the clouds create drawings if you use your imagination. Since it was book week and we had a classroom door decoration competition to do, we decided that we would like to make clouds. It fitted in perfectly with our Unit of Inquiry too!

We went outside and just lay down for a bit to see the sky and what was happening. What did the clouds do? Could we make any shapes or images out of the clouds? Each child had to pick one thing that they saw while looking at the clouds and recreate that using cotton balls. We had loads of fun and thoroughly enjoyed using our imaginations.

Our Door!

Grade One Collaboration 

Our Reading and Language program is going really well. All the children are starting to get into the routine and are enjoying time with different teachers and classmates.

We helped Simon celebrate his 7th birthday this week. We hope you had a great day and enjoyed celebrating over this long weekend.

Hope you have all had a very restful long weekend!

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