Saturday, 5 November 2016

Welcomes and Farewells!

We have spent this week finishing off our inquiry into weather. We have some weather experts in our class now and we have all become very good at predicting and reading the weather!

We have also started our new unit of inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme of How We Organise Ourselves - Communication. We have been doing a lot of tuning in activities to see what prior knowledge the students have already. They know lots about communication devices and are already very savvy on iPads and mobile devices!

Please check under the tabs - 'Unit of Inquiry', 'Language' and 'Maths' for more information.
Grade 10 show

On Tuesday we were invited to watch a show that the Grade 10 students had created for our KG and Grade One students. They adapted the classic story 'The Three Little Pigs' for stage, which was commissioned by our students. It was hilarious and had the children taking part in the show. Congratulations to the Grade 10 students!


On Wednesday we went to see our buddies. Since we were finishing off our unit on weather we decided that we could have some fun making kites and paper planes. Next week we will go outside and see if they work.

Paper Planes

We have calendar time everyday where we do the date, days of the week, number of days in school, estimation jar, morning board question and pick a problem. This week we had a great 'pick a problem' question inspired by Oan. He wanted to know who could make a paper plane and throw it the furtherest. We had great fun folding and creating many different types of planes. Then we went outside to see which one flew the best. This lead to a great discussion about what worked well and how improvements can be made to make the planes fly better.

Working hard with addition up to 20 and using tens frames to help us.

We worked with Ms Dee again this week and reflected on all the ways we knew to help ourselves calm down when we get angry. After we brain stormed went went outside and tried a few of the techniques, running, taking a walk and breathing. It was nice to take some time with the children to talk about which of these techniques they thought worked best for them. 




Then back to the classroom to use two other techniques - drawing or writing.

We have another new student who joined our class on Thursday! We are very happy to introduce you to Somnang who comes from Cambodia and has settled very happily into our class.  It's great to have you as a member of our class :-)

Sadly we had to say farewell to another member of our class Daksh. He is off an an adventure with his family who have been relocated to Prague. We wish you all the best Daksh and will miss your laugh and smiles.

Finally we spent Friday afternoon watching our ISPP senior boys play volleyball during the MIRSA competition going on at our school this weekend. Everyone was very enthusiastic about supporting the boys team and it was a great game to watch.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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