Unit of Inquiry

Our unit of inquiry under the transdisciplinary theme of Who We Are.

The central idea for this unit is:

The choices people make have an impact on their health and wellbeing.



Lines of Inquiry:
§  Ways we can keep ourselves healthy. (responsibility)
§  Features of a healthy lifestyle. (form)
§  Choices influence our well being. (causation)

We will be studying:
      What are the different ways we can keep ourselves healthy? (form)
      What are the positive and negative consequences of our choices? (causation)
      How do our choices affect others? (causation)
      What responsible choices can we make for ourselves and others? (responsibility)

Parent involvement:

Helping your child understand the impact on themselves and others with the choices that they make. You can help your child’s understanding of this unit by discussing their daily routines and how they care for themselves. Encourage them to talk about the different ways they can lead a healthy lifestyle. Help them think of positive and negative choices they have made and what the outcome was. Ask them questions such as: What food can we eat a lot of/a little of? Why? Did you make any big decisions today? Did your choice affect anyone else? How can we stay fit and healthy?

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