Dear Parents,
This post has been created as ISPP has been closed for today and I want to ensure that your child’s learning continues during this time. The best way to achieve this is by using the internet and the different resources we have been using in the classroom which the children are familiar with.
What are my responsibilities as a teacher?
To make sure we have the best chance to communicate with each other, I will be checking and replying to email enquiries between 9:00am to 11:00 am; and 8:00 - 9:00 pm each day. Should the school continue to remain closed, I will update the blog each day with learning engagements and activities for your child. I encourage you to check the blog and your email every day to ensure you are up-to-date on important information and current activities for your child to complete.
What are your responsibilities as parents?
Please make sure that you are familiar with the “student and parent handbook” you can click here to access the document. Make sure you check your emails several times a day to receive updates. It is important that you are prepared to have an adult available to act as a support teacher whilst the school is closed. In addition, set aside 2-3 hours a day for your child to engage in learning activities. This will require internet access.
What are the responsibilities of the student?
Students are required to complete their work to the best of their ability and to ask adults for help and guidance when required.
The Grade 1 teacher emails and blog addresses are as follows:
Rachelle Pia
Kelly Davidson
Carina Corey
Jon Banules (EAL Support)
Below are some engaging activities for your child to complete in reading, writing, and maths for each day.
We encourage you to take photos of your child completing these tasks and email them to us, so we can upload them onto the blog for others to see and so your child can keep in touch with their classmates.
Daily Reading
- Listen, read and complete one or two books on Raz-kids each day.
- Choose a book from your home collection. Ask your child to read the book or ask an adult to read to them. Discuss the story. What was the problem and solution in the story? Who are the characters? What might happen next? ect.
- (EAL Students) Read and Listen to 2 Raz-kids books (Levels aa - C)
Daily Writing
- Keep a daily journal at home. Write about your day. You can choose to write about your whole day, or your favorite moment of the day. Remember to include your recount words like: first, next, then, after, finally, and last.
- Think about something you know how to do. It could be a game, a recipe, or something you know how to make. Write down the materials you need. Then, write the steps. Don’t forget to include a title! When you are done, email the instructions to your teacher. We will make a ‘How To’ Class book with everyone’s instructions.
- Use the sounds you are learning this week in a scavenger hunt around your home. How many things can you find that have that sound in the beginning, middle or end of the word? Make a list of all the things you find in your house. You can even take pictures and label the pictures. Send your list to your teacher.
- Look at these picture prompts. Choose a picture and write a story.
- (EAL Students) Write lists of favorite: foods, places, toys, games, movies, people, cartoons, etc.
Daily Maths
Below are the areas of maths we have been working on all year. Complete the activities for each day.
Day 1:
- Watch the following video to practice and remember skip counting.
- Once you have watched the video, you can play the following three games:
Day 2:
- Before we start our Math games, try to answer these questions:
- In how many different ways can you represent 82 using tens and ones?
- Imagine Lucy made a two-digit number with a 6 in the ones place. What possible numbers could she have made?
- Now it is time to play, go to the following link to access a fun game
Day 3:
- The aim of this game is to add 10's to a two digit number in order to sink the submarines. You will also be able to find the instructions of the game at the bottom of the page...
Day 4:
- To warm up today, watch this video:
Are you ready now?
Go to this link and play this online game
In this game you can also try the different options on the menu on the left: 'how many', 'build', 'fill', 'add' or 'play all'
Day 5:
- Are you up for a challenge?
Get some paper and a pencil and see how many answers you can get.
- A number is about 110, but it’s not 110. What might it be?
- One number is a lot more than another one. Both numbers are greater 50. What could the two numbers be?
- My number is more than 16, but less than 34, use a hundred chart to tell me what my number could be?
- What are three numbers that are greater than 90 but less than 120? Prove one of your answers by representing the number.
Now are you ready to play some games?
- Counting by 1s to 120
- Collect 120 items from around the house. Count and make sure you have 120.
- Skip counting by 2s, 5s, 10s to 120
- Find 10 more or 10 less
- Add and subtract within 20
- The relationship between addition and subtraction
- Compare two two-digit numbers with the symbols >, =, and <
Daily UOI
- Keep posted to find out what learning engagements will be required for our current unit of inquiry.
* Today your daily UOI - Talk about the positive and/or negative interactions you had each day. Choose on to write and draw about.
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