Wednesday, 25 February 2015

We're Going Green!

We started our new Unit of Inquiry today!

Please look under the tab 'Unit of Inquiry' for more information.

This morning our board question was asking the children if they could name something that was green. This led us into a discussion about what they thought 'Going Green' meant. We brainstormed together and wrote on the board what we thought. We had some really interesting ideas and discussions. 

The next two days we will spend time sharing what we already know about 'Going Green' and then next week we will be looking at what other information we would like to find out. The children are such fabulous inquirers and I am really looking forward to seeing what actions we can take during this unit.  

I also showed the children various items and asked the children what they thought of when they saw each one. Did they see any similarities/differences? What do you think each item is made of? What would you use these items for? Do you think these items might be linked to our 'Going Green' unit? Do any of these items have anything in common?

We also listened to a very cool song. I have shared the link here:


Co-operation and communication
We have started measurement for Maths and have talked about all sorts of ways we can measure. We talked about how we measure a year by months, a month by weeks, a week by days. We talked about how many days are in a week and days in a month. We also talked about how we can measure objects with non standard units - we can use our feet, our hands, cubes, arm spans and our bodies. 

Today we measured our bodies with our feet. We figured out that not all of us have the same size feet and this will make our answers different. If we were measuring distance then to make the test fair we would have to use the same non standard unit each time. But today we decided to work with a partner and use each others feet as our non standard unit for measuring.

Look at our results.

We measured things in and around our classroom too. We put 10 cubes together and with our partner we had to find ten things that were longer than our cubes. The children had to really co-operate with each other and work as a team. While one person was finding the items to measure the other person was responsible for taking the photos on the ipad. 

Here is what we found were longer than our cubes. Thanks to the children for suppling the pictures :-)

To make sure we don't forget all of the things we learnt about patterns we played a fun activity with our partner to see if they could describe the pattern using AB. The children did an outstanding job at working together and were very supportive and encouraging to each other. What awesome learners we have!

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