Wednesday, 18 February 2015

A short week but one of the busiest!!

Wow! We have had 3 very action packed days this week. Making sure we have put the finishing touches on all of our imaginary stories and ready to present and put on our individual pages on the blog. Over this long weekend I will do my best to up load all of the puppet shows, books, lego movies, imovies and book creators to each child's blog. Please bear with me as the internet has been terrible of late and it is a long waiting game with the process to upload.

Guest Speakers

Today we had Rebecca and Faisal (Renia's Mum and Dad) come and speak to us about International Mother Tongue Language Day (which is celebrated on the 21st of February). A very big THANK YOU to you both for taking the time to come and share with us such an important event.

Please refer to the link for more information 
International Mother Tongue Language Day

They shared with us the importance of keeping your mother tongue language and fostering it with children. This anniversary marks the 15th anniversary of this celebration and it was so great to see how many different languages were spoken in our classroom.

So proud of our class and how open-minded and amazing they all are. To have so many different languages and cultures in one room and be such fantastic friends and learners is just awesome to see!! 

Gingerbread People

We made gingerbread people today. It was so much fun getting to follow a recipe and make sure that we had all the ingredients, used the right amount of ingredients and put things together at the right time! One of our learner profiles for this unit on imagination is "communicator". The children definitely communicated very well with each other and everyone had a turn at helping making, preparing, and decorating the gingerbread people. They were YUM!!

By popular demand here is the recipe for the Gingerbread People.

As you all know we have no school on both Thursday and Friday. Have a lovely long weekend and enjoy any celebrations you maybe having.


  1. Thank you for all the photos. Could you put the recipe on here too? Anton loved the gingerbread men and would like to show me how to make them.

  2. Sure thing, I will add the link under the pictures.
