Sunday, 1 February 2015

Individual pages

Dear families,

We are excited to add a new feature to our Blog this semester!
We would like the Blog to showcase what your child is learning, in particular for you to see what your child has achieved and what they are proud of and want to share.

If you look on the class blog today you will notice that there are tabs over to the right hand side. These are the students' individual pages.  These pages are for the children to select a piece of work or photograph that they are proud of or really enjoyed doing. It will be what they would like to share and be added to their page.

We will try our best to add something every week but as this is new and we are just starting we may have a few delays. We will try our best :-)

Thanks for your continued support.



  1. Thanks so much for this, it makes it much easier to jump around to check out specific children's work.


    1. Great! Glad you are on the blog and enjoying seeing what the children are doing :-)
