Sunday, 8 October 2017

Exploring our Environment!

This week has been fantastic for the students to experience a number of different types of weather. We got to spend a lot of time outside enjoying our environment and seeing what happens when the weather changes and if it has any affect on us.

On Wednesday we talked a lot about the elements of weather. We went outside and just lay down for a bit to look at the sky and see what was happening. We talked a lot about the clouds and had a lot of wonderings. So we went back to the class to check out some information about what we saw and what the different clouds tell us about the weather.

We found out that there were lots of different types clouds with very tricky names! But we learnt a lot about four types of clouds - Cumulus & Cumulonimbus, stratus and cirrus. We had fun weather watching and throughout the day many of the children told me that they saw one or two of these types of clouds during snack time, lunch or just looking out the window during class time.

This video off Youtube was also very helpful:

In small groups we looked at a lot of weather vocabulary. We wanted to find out what we know and what we need to find out. We had to recognise and read weather words, spell them and draw what they mean. We had some fantastic questions and discussions during this group time and some very knowledgeable students who shared information.

Wonder Walk

We went on a wonder walk around the school. Our goal was to find out about our new Unit of Inquiry. We were investigating weather and how it affects people. It was very stormy weather so we got to see and feel lots while outside. Would you believe we even felt cold! Our goals:
We are thinking like scientists. We are learning to observe. We are looking for changes in the weather.

We posted our finding to Seesaw

Have a great weekend everyone!

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