Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Writing, writing and more writing!

We have been looking at poetry and the different styles of poems there are. This week we have been concentrating on 'Diamante Poems'. A Diamante Poem or Diamond Poem, is a style of poetry that is made up of seven lines.

Adjective, Adjective
Verb, Verb, Verb
Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun
Verb, Verb, Verb, 
Adjective, Adjective

Together we organised lots of words into the three categories - Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs.

Together as a class we made up a poem about a dog. We used some great words to describe how dogs behaviour and the things they like to do. 

Next it was the students turn to pick an emotion and write their very own Diamante poem. They did a fantastic job!! These poems also inspired them to then respond to the poem by creating a piece of art work of their choice. These have been a work in progress for the past week and will be posted on their individual pages once they are all completed.

We have some incredibly creative students here in Grade One and I am really looking forward to them sharing their art pieces with you.

Not only have we been creating poems but we have also been writing narratives. We have been concentrating on two different styles of narratives - fantasy fiction and realistic fiction.

As a class we wrote a realistic narrative. 

Please take a look at our great story 'Peter goes Camping'

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