Friday, 17 February 2017

Thinking out LOUD!

On Thursday we got to spend some time reconnecting with our Grade Four buddies. We had a chat about what we will be doing this long weekend and read a few stories to each other. The Grade Ones are so confident now with their reading that they prefer reading to their buddies instead of having them read to them :-)

We spent so much time this week responding to the way we express ourselves with Art. Your child's individual page will be uploaded with a range of the work that they have completed with explanations as to their thinking. 

Proudly displayed outside our classroom - 'Thinking Out LOUD'
These were inspired by Diamante Poems that they wrote about a feeling or emotion they had experienced. They are amazing!!

Here is the process we went through...

Our finished product!

Next week you will see your child's amazing drawing on their individual page, as well as a poem that they wrote. They wrote about how the 'Crazy Hair' makes them feel and the emotion that they are expressing.

In PE with Mr Ben we have been very creative and expressed ourselves through dance. Can you guess what emotions we are feeling?

We also helped our very good friend Jennita celebrate her seventh birthday on Friday. A very happy birthday to you Jennita and I hope you have a great party today at Kids City. Thanks also for the delicious cupcakes :-)

Have a fabulous long weekend everyone and see you all back at school on Wednesday 22nd February!

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