Friday, 18 March 2016

Wacky Day and Buddies

What a great way to start Friday with some vey wacky students! We had shoes and socks on hands, clothes inside out and back to front, crazy hair and we even had underpants on the outside of our clothes and even on our heads!!

Check us out:

Procedural Writing and Reflections

After our trip to the Post office we got into pairs and wrote the steps we took to post out letter. We had a discussion about what we had to do to get our letter ready to put in the mail box. Would you believe our letters arrived the very next day!! It was a very big surprise ;-)

We also reflected on our trip and brain stormed all the things we saw when we were at the Post Office. We also talked about all the things we wondered about. 

"How do they sort all the mail and make sure it goes to the right place?"
"Why do we post our letters into a box?"
"How can they find packages when people come in and ask for them?"
"Why do they have so many PO Boxes?"
"How do you make an international call on the phones?"

These were some of the many wonderings Grade One had during our trip. I am so impressed at how the were reflecting and sharing their knowledge with each other.

Following a procedure

On Thursday we had a great afternoon rotating around 4 different activities. At each activity we had to read and follow a procedure to complete a task. It soon became clear to the students that if you didn't follow the steps in order and do each step correctly things started to go wrong and it became frustrating when you couldn't compete a task!

Making a phone call:

The children were absolutely delighted to speak with many of their Mums and Dads on the telephone. I think you will see from the photos some very happy faces :-)

Making Playdough:

This was hilarious! Very messy and loads of fun. 

Friday afternoon we hung out with our buddies. This week we were sending emails to each other. Our buddies helped us to log on and we got to read our messages, then send a message back to our buddy. We also sent some messages to other friends in the class.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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