We love reading in our class and I always enjoy sitting with the children listening to them explain a funny part of the story or something they have learnt from a book or anything of interest that they want to share. It shows me that they are enjoying what they are reading and most importantly that they are understanding what they are reading!
This week we took reading outside and also got creative.
Nak and Raymond read a book about size and shape. The decided to go outside and draw their bodies and their shadows to see if they were the same size and shape.
Janora, Quinn, Ahmed, Floyd and Irrham read a book about how we communicate with our friends. They were all really interested in the tin can phones. We decided to makes some ourselves, they really worked :-)
During this unit of inquiry - How we organise ourselves - we are learning about procedures and what they are. We looked at various types of writing to see if we could recognise what procedural writing looks like. We had to arrange the pieces of writing into two categories - procedure and not a procedure.
We knew that a piece of procedural writing should be telling us how to do something. It should have instructions and tell us step by step what to do. The students did a really good job at organising the different pieces of writing.
We also had a turn at writing a procedure. A few weeks ago our buddies showed us how to make a book out of two pieces of paper. In partners the students had to try to recall those steps and make another book together. Once the book was completed they had to write down the steps they took to make the book.
This week our Grade 5 buddies shared with us their PYP exhibition process journals and they were amazing! They have all worked so hard and it was great to see how enthusiastic both Grade One and Grade Five were sharing their learning journey. We can't wait for the exhibition!!
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