Friday, 6 April 2018

Welcoming a new friend!

We are delighted to have had Andrea join our class this week. She has made friends with everyone and is a very welcomed addition to our class.

We went to the computer lab to see Mr Matt. We were doing some computer skills which in turn was a 3D shapes maths lesson too. Maths really can be fun!

We got to play on a very cool website @tinkercad and we became architects using 3D shapes to create all sorts of constructions.

We have been busy working very hard on our 'Personal History' books for student-led-conferences as well as all the other things that we will be sharing with you next Wednesday. I hope you have enjoyed the Seesaw posts this week by the students and getting a glimpse of their work also in PE, Art and Music.

Our Grade 4 buddies came to help us organise our 'Personal History' books.

We went to the Grade 5 PYPX to see all the amazing work that they had been doing. It was very interesting and we learnt a lot.

Delighted to share with everyone our completed travelling tale. Please check out our journey on our blog posts. Here it is....

'Chaos in Candyland' 

We were very happy with the end result and what the other schools contributed to the tale. We also got to raise awareness of the #TeachSDGs and 

An environmental group 'The green ninjas' at UNIS in Hanoi took action to find a resolution for the problems in the story.

We were very happy with the end result!

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