Thursday, 16 March 2017

Sharing the planet!

The finished product! 
A huge team effort was put into creating and organising our ocean mural. We researched the different zones of the ocean and which animals live or hangout in these zones. We used books, the internet and our prior knowledge to draw the animals and locate their correct zone.

This is displayed outside our classroom for you all to enjoy.

We wrote and drew the positive and negative effects humans have on the ocean:

We organised many different items on a table - glass and plastic bottles, plastic bags, polystyrene, cardboard, cans etc. This is what each group did with those items.

Each group had a unique way of looking at the items and as a group they worked out how they wanted to categorise them. I was really impressed by the discussions and how they organised the items! 

We also discussed 'How we are all responsible for the ocean' and added out thinkings to the wonder wall.

We also had two students in our class who took action by creating awareness posters about the ocean. Well done Alan and Vannissa, your posters are fantastic! Plus we had Maële share a video with us of what she saw in the ocean when she was snorkelling in Thailand. It was very cool to watch. Thanks for sharing :-)

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