Friday, 26 February 2016

Grade One are Taking Action!

Over the past few weeks the outstanding Grade One KD class decided to take it upon themselves to start practicing a "show" during morning tea and lunchtime breaks. They organised it all themselves and gave each other roles and scripts! As a teacher, it was so cool to see my class being so proactive and take a leadership role in organising and preforming a "show". They had ownership and developed the action of their learning which was awesome!

I would also like to give a "a shout out" to Mr Andy who is the class PE teacher for giving the students the freedom in class to explore and develop their "show". Especially since at the moment in PE they have been doing dance! Perfect timing :-) Or inspired?

Enjoy the videos:

To end our Unit on 'Express Yourself' the students did the gallery walk through all the Grade One classes and chose a piece of art that they wanted to respond to. We had many different responses - we had drawings, 3D sculptures, paintings, music composed, dances, lego, clay and modelling clay models. It was fantastic to see the many different ways that the students expressed the way the art made them feel.

Please note the students that responded by creating a piece of music or a dance have had their videos posted on their individual page.

We started our new Unit of Inquiry this week on Communication. We have been doing a lot of tuning in activities to see what prior knowledge the students have already. They know lots about communication devices and are already very savvy on Ipads and mobile devices :-)

Brainstorming all of our knowledge.

Please also check under your child's individual page to see a video that they made in small groups about communication devices.

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