Friday, 15 January 2016

Welcome Back!

It was great to see all of the children back at school this week! They all had so much to share about their holidays, we spent a lot of time on Monday morning listening to each other sharing our exciting adventures. We also wrote all about it in our Journal Writing books.

We had a great week just getting back into our routines and catching up with our friends.

Inquiring into 2D and 3D shapes


With our buddies we wanted to explore symmetry. We took a template of a butterfly and researched on the internet to see what the wings of a butterfly looked like. We could see that if we folded the butterfly in half the wings matched up. We know that symmetry means that if you cut something down the middle each half is identical. Everyone worked so well together and made some amazing butterflies. I will posted the finished products soon :-)

Tomorrow is International Day - I will be at the New Zealand booth so please come by and say hello.

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