Thursday, 28 January 2016

Next week is Book Week!

All week: 

Drop Everything and Read
Students will carry a book around with them all week that they will read at different times during the day when an announcement is made. This book does not have to be in English. It can be in their own language. Please make sure that their name is clearly marked on the book.

Monday, February 1st:

Meet the Author
The students will get to meet our visiting author, Bernard Caleo first thing in the morning from 8:15 - 9am.

Tuesday, February 2nd: 

Poem in your pocket day!
Students will keep a poem that they have written in their pocket to read aloud at different times of the day.

A visit with the Grade 12 Drama students 
Students will work with the Grade 12 Drama students and teachers to learn more about how actors express their feelings through drama.

Candlelight Read Aloud 
On Tuesday night at 6-7pm, everyone will come back on campus wearing their pyjamas! At different locations around campus, students with their parents will be listen to bedtime stories by candlelight. To end the evening, there will be milk and cookies served in the cafeteria, before everyone goes home and slips straight into bed!

Wednesday, February 3:

Character Dress-up Day! 
Please help your child choose a book character that they like and dress-up as that character. You must bring a book to match the character. We will have an Elementary School Parade outside to show off our costumes from 7:40 am.
* Students will still have PE, so they should either bring change clothes or wear something suitable for PE out on the field.

100th day of school!! 
Can you please send in a ziplock baggie with 100 small items. These can be buttons, raisins, sequins, stickers, etc. You and your child can count these out at home and then bring them in. We will use these for a variety of activities on this day.

A visit with the Grade 12 Art students 
Students will visit the Grade 12 Art students and interview them on how they express their emotions through visual art.

Another busy week.....

We have been so busy and worked so hard for our assembly tomorrow! We are all very excited to share it with you. The children have really done themselves proud with all their hard work. In between practicing for our assembly we have still been learning lots. 

In Maths we have been looking at patterns. We know that a pattern can be made from shapes, colours, objects and numbers to name a few. We have found patterns outside in the playground, on our clothes, in the classroom, almost everywhere!  We took photos on the IPads of them and made a pic collage.

Mystery Reader

A very big thank you to Birgitta (Anton's Auntie) for coming in and reading to us on Tuesday. We are very grateful you the took time from you holiday to share a story with us. Especially a Dr Seuss story, they're our favourites!

Birgitta read - "Horton Hears A Who!" written by Dr Seuss. The story tells of an elephant called Horton who hears a speck of dust speak to him. He places it on a clover convinced it is a small planet. However, he struggles to protect this tiny microscopic community from his neighbours who just don't believe that this planet exists. The story has a great message for the children which is repeated throughout the book "a person's a person, no matter how small."


We have been looking at poetry and the styles of poems there are. This week we have been concentrating on 'Diamante Poems'. diamante poem, or diamond poem, is a style of poetry that is made up of seven lines. 

                          Adjective, Adjective
                            Verb, Verb, Verb
                       Noun, Noun, Noun, Noun
                            Verb, Verb, Verb
                             Adjective, Adjective

Together we organised lots of words into the three categories - Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs.

Then as a whole class we chose the feeling Anger and wrote a diamante poem together.

I think we did a really good job!

Don't forget Assembly tomorrow - Friday 29th January at 1:45pm in the school gym.
Hope to see you there.

Monday, 25 January 2016

Gentle Reminder

It is fast approaching!! Our time in the spotlight!

This week we will be practicing very hard for our up and coming assembly. We are making everything just right. Please make sure you mark the date and time on your calendar.

When: Friday January 29th
Where: School Gym
Time: 1:45pm

We are very excited to show you all of our hard work! 

Friday, 22 January 2016

Express Yourself!

The very talented Mr Jon shared with us one of his passions - Music! He explained that through music he can express the way he feels without having to use words. He can play an instrument at different speeds to make people feel different emotions. 

Mr Jon first asked us to tell him all the words that we know to describe music. Then he shared with us some tricky words that describe the Tempo of music.

Andante - Medium
Adagio - Slow motion
Allegro - Fast

Mr Jon played us many different types of music and we had to walk at the tempo we thought the music was. It was very interesting and we had lots of fun.


This week we have been concentrating on nouns, verbs and adjectives. We talked about what each of these words mean and how these words can be put into categories. We got into small groups and had a turn putting lots of different words under each of these headings. We had to be good communicator and discuss each word before choosing where it went.

Hope you all have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Book Week

Parents - we hope that you will help us celebrate books and reading during our upcoming Book Week, February 1-5.
More details to follow, but right now we’d like to enlist your help (each one is only for about 10 minutes of your time) with three reading activities.
Would you like to:
  • Read a book in your mother tongue to EY at the beginning or end of the day?
  • Read a book in your mother tongue during morning and lunch recess?
  • Read a book during one time slot of the Candlelight Read-Aloud on Tuesday evening?
If you answered YES to either question, please click on this link: and complete the form before Friday so we can build our schedule and get the word out to students and teachers!

Busy start to the week!

Monday afternoon we were really excited to have our buddies come to our class to visit us. The Grade Five students are making a brochure/pamphlet of their buddy. The children are very excited to see what the end result will be. The Grade Fives asked their buddy various questions and took some photos of them busy working at school. These brochures are going to be electronic and once completed they will share with their buddies and post them on our class blog under each individual students page. So watch this space :-)

Guest Speaker

Today we were very lucky to have a parent, Ms Angela from Ms Rachelle's class come and share with us her experience as an actor. 

She explained to us that when you're acting you have to use a lot of expression and change your emotions to fit with the characters and scenes. We watched some scenes that Ms Angela had filmed and tried to guess what emotions she was expressing. Then we had a chance to have a go at acting out some different emotions. It was lots of fun!

Monday, 18 January 2016


It is our time in the spotlight!

Our Grade Ones will be presenting at the up and coming assembly. 
When:Friday January 29 
Time: 1:45pm
Where: School gym.

It would great to see you all there and the children are working very hard practising for it.

Friday, 15 January 2016

Welcome Back!

It was great to see all of the children back at school this week! They all had so much to share about their holidays, we spent a lot of time on Monday morning listening to each other sharing our exciting adventures. We also wrote all about it in our Journal Writing books.

We had a great week just getting back into our routines and catching up with our friends.

Inquiring into 2D and 3D shapes


With our buddies we wanted to explore symmetry. We took a template of a butterfly and researched on the internet to see what the wings of a butterfly looked like. We could see that if we folded the butterfly in half the wings matched up. We know that symmetry means that if you cut something down the middle each half is identical. Everyone worked so well together and made some amazing butterflies. I will posted the finished products soon :-)

Tomorrow is International Day - I will be at the New Zealand booth so please come by and say hello.