Sunday, 17 May 2015

Picnic Tea Party

As you all know we are very excited to invite all families to our "Shelters Expo" next week

The children are working very hard on their progress journal which you will see at the expo. The progress journal will show you the research journey they took to gather all the information needed to build their model house. The model house is based on the real house that they have been researching. The children will present their model home, explain how they made it, how they researched and gathered information and why the house is built the way it is.

We hope to see you all there!

Also we will have a shared picnic tea party - please follow the link to sign up for bringing treats to the party.

It will be a great afternoon and end of year celebration.


  1. Hi Kelly, I wanted to sign us up for cupcakes but I cannot edit the document. /Thilde

    1. Sorry, had to change the settings. Should be fixed, but let me know if still a problem.
