Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Exploration and birthday celebrations

We have been having such a great time exploring light.  We have been experimenting with many ways to make light, how we can change the colour of light and what happens to light when it is in water.  The children have been very enthusiastic about this unit and have been inquirers asking so many questions.

We have discussed how light can be reflected - the children discovered that "when you shine a light through colour we can see the colour being reflected on our faces, clothes and walls." 

We know that light travels very, very fast. The children said that "they can't see it moving so it must be really fast."

Light moves and bounces off objects - "but it doesn't hurt us when it bounces off us."

Lights can shine very bright or very softly - "you can't look at the sun as it hurts your eyes and is dangerous."

Light rays shine and spread out - "but we can't touch it."

Light can be blocked by objects and then they can make a shadow.  If we are close to the light our shadow is big and if we are far away it is small. We found many shadows around our school campus.

Check out all of our exploration on this slideshow

And we have only just began this unit!!  Wow what fantastic little scientists we have ;-)  

Happy Birthday Marcus!
We were all very happy to help celebrate his 6th birthday with delicious cupcakes. 
Thanks Marcus :-)


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