Friday, 24 October 2014

It's Friday!!

We have almost reached the end of another month so in KG this week we have been doing a lot of reviewing, revisiting and reflecting.  As well as learning lots of new things!  

We have also welcomed a new student to our class - Sophorn Keo.  All of the children have made Sophorn feel right at home in our classroom.  It is so nice to see them taking care of each other and helping out as much as possible! Just awesome!!

Many of the children during table top time in the morning have been busy building all sorts of amazing things. Here are a few pictures of what some of the girls have been up to.

This week we have been spending time on making sure that we are writing our numbers correctly. We have a very funny rhyme we have been saying as we write the numbers. Many of the children all ready knew the rhyme and they have been helping to teach me and the other children in the class. Once we have practiced it a bit more I will post it here for your children to share with you ;-) We have also been playing a great game called "Race to Trace" it is lots of fun.

We have also been adding numbers to five and ten and now starting to look at subtraction/taking away.  We know that when you add two numbers together the answer is bigger so when you take numbers away the answer gets smaller. The children have been outside using the number lines to show one more or one less.  They have also been running to find the number that is more than or less than, playing our favourite - addition and subtraction hopscotch and many more activities to help them with understanding these concepts.

See us in action:

I have been so impressed with how hard the children have been working on learning their sight words.  They find them around the classroom, in books, around the school and even at home!  We are now working toward the next 20 words!  We have also been practicing our Jolly Phoincs which gives us the letter and the letter sound and writing upper case and lower case.  

Last week we looked at making words that ended with AT so this week we have been looking at all the words we can make with the ending IT.  We found a great clip on "Alphablocks" and the children really interact with it.  

Please follow this link to view:
Alphablocks - words ending with it

and the children have been working so hard in their reading groups.

I was very lucky to make it to see the children swimming yesterday and WOW!!! the children are just amazing!!  I was blown away by how confident all of the children are in the water and how far they have come in just a short time. Our class want to say a huge THANK YOU to Mr Andy who has developed all of the children's skills and given them the confidence to be real risk takers.  Mr Andy you're a STAR!!

Check them out!!

Also at the end of the day today we had our buddies come and help us plan what craft we are going to make with them next week.  We chose a selection of crafts that we were interested in making from a great book "Easy Earth-Friendly Crafts in 5 Steps".  Then with the help of our buddies the children read what materials they will need to make their chosen craft.  They went through the list and ticked the ones that they have at school all ready and then identified the items that they will need to bring from home.  We can't wait till next week when we get to make them!!

Have a great weekend everyone!!

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