Wednesday, 6 June 2018

What Have We Been Up To?

I was so impressed with how all the students had only one lesson with Mr Matt about google slides. Then in no time they were logged onto their computers and creating their own slides using insects and the information they had learned! It was brilliant!

We have been working very, very hard on our lapbooks and research skills to get ready for our end of year celebration of learning! We are very excited to share them with you :-) 

Had some fun with food and fractions!

Monday, 4 June 2018

Final Travelling Tale Of The Year!

Delighted to share with you our final Travelling Tale of the year. It has been such a brilliant project for all the students to have been involved in. Not only have we connected globally with other schools around the world but also raised awareness of the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development.


Please check out our 'Tale'

We all thoroughly enjoyed the Tale!