Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Wacky Wednesday!

Wacky Wednesday Dress Up Day

The Elementary student council are organising a dress up day on Wednesday 7th of March.  The theme is ‘WACKY WEDNESDAY’.    

What is WACKY ?                        

zany, madcap, offbeat, quirky, outlandish, eccentric, ridiculous, funny, crazy, absurd, insane, far out, fantastic, bizarre, peculiar, weird, odd, strange.

To participate students will need to dress up so they look ‘wacky’.

So get your thinking caps on and dress up on Wacky Wednesday, 7th of March

If you have any other questions please talk to your classroom teacher.

Sunday, 25 February 2018

Tuning in!

On Monday we were very lucky to be invited to the Grade 2's exhibition under the knowledge centre. They had just finished their very creative projects where they had inquired into something that had changed over time. We all had a great talking with the Grade 2's and learning lots of new and interesting things. It was also a great start to our new unit of inquiry where we are also inquiring into how we have changed over time. 

We started our new Unit of Inquiry this week - Where we are in Place and Time 'Personal Histories'. We spent this week looking at our central idea, unpacking the keywords, looking at the language this unit will have us using and discussing and many tuning in activities.

We organised pictures into past, present and future:

We read key phrases and organised them on a timeline from past, present and future:

We unpacked our central idea and looked at the keywords:


Of course our highlight of the week is hanging with our Grade 4 buddies. This week our buddies shared with us the fables that they have been creating. They have written scripts and are either: making a movie with the green screen, creating a puppet show, or writing a comic strip. We can't wait to see the finished products.

Mother Language Day

On Thursday afternoon we celebrated UN International Mother Language Day across the whole school. We were buddies with Grade 10 students and we had a whole lot of fun doing a scavenger hunt and being entertained in the black box with performances in many different languages.

Sadly we are saying goodbye to two of our classmates in March. They were very brave and went up on the raft to say their early goodbyes! We will miss you but so excited for your next adventure! 

Friday, 23 February 2018

Last Weeks Highlights!

A lot of work was posted on Seesaw last week - we hope you enjoyed looking at all our work from the conclusion of our UOI on 'Light & Sound'. 

Just a couple of things we did:


During our swimming lessons we have been learning about how people can be saved in water accidents. Ms Anne gave us examples of how people can hurt themselves and how they can be helped correctly. 

ISPP's Got Talent

Before we left for a long weekend we had an afternoon full of amazing talents. It was great entertainment, and as a class, we were delighted to see all the risk takers getting up on stage, in front of the elementary school and preforming. We had Aoife from our class show off her fantastic gymnastic skills with all sorts of moves. We were all so proud of you Aoife!

Please do keep checking Seesaw we have many things that we are adding through the week.

Sunday, 18 February 2018

Baby Photos

Baby Photos

Calling all baby photos

For our new unit of inquiry we are looking at personal histories. We would like to see each child in the class as a baby and we would like to keep the photos a secret so we can try and guess who it is. It would be great if each student could bring a photo to school or please email me and I can print one out if easier. 

It will help the children also see how much they have changed over time and share some of their memories over the years that they have grown.

Thank you in advance for helping your child with this. Looking forward to seeing all those cute baby photos :-)

Sunday, 11 February 2018

Spotlight on the Arts

Thank you to all the parents and family members that attended the Grade One 'Spotlight on the Arts'. It was so great to see the children sharing their learning with you.

Thank you!

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

Keeping Ourselves Safe!

This week we are teaching Child Safety in the Grade 1 classrooms.

The students will be learning three types of skills

Personal safety: Students will learn important safety rules. They will also learn how to decide if something is safe or not.

Touching safety: Students will learn about safe, unsafe and unwanted touches. They will also learn rules about touching private body parts. During these lessons students will learn how to say no to unsafe and unwanted touches and to tell an adult if someone breaks rules about touching body parts.

Assertiveness: During these lessons students will practice asking an adult for help, telling an adult about an unsafe situation and being assertive to get out of unsafe situations.

Monday, 5 February 2018

100 Days of School!

We have finally made it to 100 days of school in Grade One! We celebrated this special day with lots of fun activities throughout the day. We counted to 100, we read a book about 100 days in school, we shared 100 treats, we made 100 day crowns and we sang and exercised our way to 100!

Fun maths activities:

Counting out 100 treats:

100 Day hats:

100 exercises:

We had such a great day!

Sunday, 4 February 2018


We recorded our part of the 'Travelling Tale' and sent it off to America for the next class to find a resolution to the problem that we created. We can't wait to find out what the other two schools will do with the tale.

We have been learning about syllables and you can count them when you take a word apart, as well as sentences.

We have had a lot of fun counting how many syllables are in words and clapping it out.

All this work on syllables led us to a style of poetry called Haiku. We looked at the structure of a Haiku poem which has only 3 lines. Each line needs to have a certain number of syllables. The first line needs 5 syllables, the second line needs 7 syllables and the third line needs 5 syllables again. We went outside to get some inspiration for our poems. We listened to all the sounds happening around us and created some fantastic poems. These were posted to Seesaw for you to see.

We took a look at some artists that use light to create amazing pieces of art. We also took some time to look at 'Pop Art' by Andy Warhol and how he used such simple objects to create his work. We had a go at creating our own 'Pop Art' but each colour for us represented an emotion. These will be posted on Seesaw this week. They are very cool :-)

We also added music to our 'Pop Art' that expressed the colour/emotion we had chosen.

We also helped two of our friends celebrate their birthdays. A very happy birthday to Timo and Hifumi. Thanks so much for the delicious cupcakes and chocolates.

Looking forward to seeing you all at our G1 Spotlight on the Arts!

Hope you all had a great weekend!