Sunday, 28 January 2018

Week of Sound!

We had a great week exploring and learning about all the components that come with sound. We first had a discussion about what kinds of sounds we hear around our school. We then watched and listened to a story called 'The Listening Walk By Paul Showers.' Finally we went out on our own and explored our environment to record the sounds that we heard.

We brainstormed together after the walk, we shared all the sounds that we heard. We talked about what made the sound and what it sounded like.

This led us to make another poem. This time we were creating an Onomatopoeia Poem using the sounds we had heard on our walk. They are fantastic and will be posted on Seesaw this week :-)

Cup Phones

Next we had a lot of fun making cup phones to see how sounds travels. We know that there has to be vibration for sound to make it to our ears, otherwise we don't hear it.

Friday 'Fun Run' was of course enjoyed by all. It was pretty hot running round the field but we all had a great time encouraging each other and collecting our tokens. 

We have started another travelling tale! We are again in change of creating the problem! So many students wanted to be part of the process it was so great to see. We have 5 more students that are helping create this part of the tale and we can't want to create our part!

First we watched what the other two schools had created...

Then we started creating the problem!

We will be recording our part of the Tale on Monday - once the story is completed we will share it will you :-)

Monday, 22 January 2018

Fun Run - Fit Friday

Student council are organising a fun run
Here are the details..

When: Friday 26th January
Time: 7:40 - 7:55 Kindergarten and Grade One
Where: On the school field
Why: To be fit, have fun and earn points for your house 
You Need: Wear your ISPP house t-shirt, shorts and running shoes. Also don't forget your water bottle!

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Week of Light!

We had a lot of fun exploring light this week. We joined up with the other Grade One classes and tried all sorts of experiments that helped us to learn more about light.


We continued with 'Place Value'  this week and had a number of different activities that helped us to recognise a numbers value, how to make numbers and add them together using place value blocks. We also shared with you on Seesaw the value of the first letter of our name.

Team Time

It is always fun every friday morning to get together as a whole Grade and share our learning together. This week we got to make shadow finger puppets.


We had a great day on Friday! We had a go at writing sensory poems about popcorn! 

Sensory Poetry 
By Brenda B. Covert

1     You know the five senses. You need them to see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Did you know that you can turn them into poetry? It is true! We call it sensory poetry.
 2     A sensory poem may describe an object. It may describe a place. It may describe an idea. It will tell the reader about the sights and sounds. It will share the smells and tastes. The poem will talk about touch.

We first brainstormed lots of adjectives that we thought described popcorn with Mr Jon. We talked about our personal experiences and what popcorn reminded us of. It seems the cinema was the most common connection we all had.

Since for a sensory poem we needed to use all five of our senses we made popcorn right there in the classroom. The students got to see it, smell it, hear it, touch it and taste it. Apparently it was the best day ever!

The students will be posting their completed poems on seesaw this week for you :-)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Monday, 15 January 2018

Field Trip - Shadow Puppets!

We had a fantastic time today at the Sovannaphum puppet theatre! We enjoyed a live performance with shadow puppets and music. There were many highlights from the trip but I think all the students would say having a turn with the puppets at the end of the show was pretty cool!

Ready to go....very excited!

Singing on the way to the theatre :-)

Waiting for the show to start:

Saturday, 13 January 2018

Welcome Back!

We have had a great start to Semester 2 and spent time this week getting back into our classroom routines and reconnecting with all our friends. We were all very excited to share our holiday news and I hope you all enjoyed reading and listening to your child's holiday recount on Seesaw.

As we start a new year - 2018, we made some "New Year Resolutions" on Seesaw. It was a great way for all the students to think about what they would like to achieve this year both in and out of school. You will have also seen these resolutions posted on Seesaw.

Happy to have time back in the library to get some more books after our holiday:

In maths we have been concentrating on place value and learning what makes up a number. We talked about the place value of ones, tens and hundreds and how we can make numbers using our base ten blocks. Then expanding those numbers eg: 32 = 30 + 2 and 32 = 3 tens and 2 ones.

Place value is the value of a digit depending on it's position in the number. Any number can be broken down by it's place value.

We also enjoyed counting by playing - Snakes and Ladders, word problems with play dough and skip counting songs.

We reconnected with our G4 buddies and shared with them our holiday writing. We were very excited to see them and hear all about what they did over the holidays.

Unit of Inquiry

We have started a new unit this week and we are having a great time inquiring into "How We Express Ourselves - Light & Sound".

We had many tuning in activities this week which gave the students provocations to experiment and explore. There was a lot of prior knowledge shared from what was learnt in Kindergarten and now we will be building on that knowledge. We can't wait to delve deeper into this Unit and find out more about light and sound.


Have a great weekend everyone!