Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Music, Instruments & Birthday Celebrations

In Music Class, our current Unit of Inquiry is All About Instruments. Throughout this unit I have invited the students to bring an instrument from home for "show and tell" on music days. Obviously not all instruments are easily transportable, so if this is the case have your child bring in a picture of their instrument. If you would like a safe space to store your instrument for the day please drop it in the Music Studio (C101) in the morning. 

If you have any questions please feel free to write me at daniellebaird@ispp.edu.kh.

Looking forward to sharing all of our instruments this unit! 

Musically Yours, Ms. Danielle

The other week I also visited the music class and was delighted to see that Rain had all ready taken action and brought to school a Ukulele to share with his class. I'm really looking forward to seeing what other instruments we can play.

Also a gentle reminder: if you have not all ready sent a photo into Ms. Leticia she would love to have more of your child being #fitwithfamily #fitwithfriends

Fit with Family and Fit with Friends

Grade 1 is learning that the choices people make have an impact on their health and well being.

In PE, learners are being aware of the importance of physical activity and exercise.

We would like to ask you to share pictures of your child being “Fit with Family” or “Fit with Friends” outside of the PE classes.

Please share any physical activity, sport, or games your kids play with their friends or with their family, during the weekend, after school, or even during the holidays by sending photos to the homeroom teacher or to the physical education teacher.

We will post them in the gym.

Thank you!

PE teacher: Leticia Carino leticiacarino@issp.edu.kh
Birthday Celebrations
Yesterday we were very excited to help our classmate Elina celebrate her sixth birthday. A very happy birthday to you Elina and thanks for the delicious cupcakes :-)

Friday, 25 August 2017

Germs and much more!

Our week was full of continuing to master our classroom and school routines. We discussed our safety drills as a class - Fire drill, Lock down and Safe haven. The children were very good at following instructions and know exactly what they have to do for each situation. Well done Grade One :-)

Recount writing

On Monday morning we usually write a recount of what we did in the weekend. The students are doing a great job at being risk takers by attempting to write words that they're not so sure how to write. We know that if we come to a word that we're not sure about we can sound it out and write down the letters that we hear. In Grade One it is ok to make a mistake, because that is how we learn :-)

Geckos Choice

We also spent some time this week refreshing our memories about 'Gecko's Choice' and to introduce this to all of our new students at ISPP. We discussed with the class and acted out some of the choices to show our understanding.


Please look at the side bar on this blog to see our class twitter posts. It would be great if you followed us so your can see what your child is doing in not only our class but also single subjects too. Ms Leticia has posted some great photos and a video of the students during their PE lessons.

It has been fantastic to see how many parents and extended family members are enjoying seesaw! The support you are all giving your child is so valuable to them and they are loving seeing the likes and comments on their posts. Thank you from all of us :-)

You will have seen our post for Maths this week where we thought of a question with a partner to ask our classmates. The students did a great job collecting data and sharing that information on a bar graph. I hope you enjoyed their explanation of their findings on Seesaw.


The results are in!

We were masked and gloved and ready to see how many microbes we had grown. It was so interesting to see what grew the most microbes, it was also a little scary!! A very big thanks to the Grade 7s and Mr. Jones for helping us to learn more about germs and ways in which we can prevent them from spreading.

Buddies - Snacks

A big thanks to our grade 4 buddies that let us take a look at their snacks and divide them into categories of fruit and vegetables, grains, proteins and other. We talked with our buddies abut having a balanced and healthy snack. We also shared what we had learned about foods that we should eat a lot of and foods we should eat a little of and why. We posted our results on Seesaw.

Making Choices

In small groups we did an activity where we looked at many different pictures related to our Unit of Inquiry. We had a discussion about the pictures and shared what we see, what we think and what we wondered. It was a great activity that got the children really using there communication and collaboration skills. These have also been shared on Seesaw.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Fun Friday!

This week we started our reading program. The children took one book home each day, they should read this book to an adult at home and then that adult needs to sign the reading log so I can see that they have read to someone. The following day they are able to change for a new book ONLY if they have had their reading log signed. Please help your child at home with reading everyday and also remind them to bring the book back to school the following day. If they don't bring the book back they can't take a new one home and then they will miss out on enjoying reading a new book. Thanks in advance for your help with this. More information is posted under the Language tab at the top of the home page. 

Next week each child will bring home either five sight words or five spelling words that they will learn for the week and then be tested on every Friday. These words will not only help the children with reading but also their writing skills.


We welcomed 4 new students from our class to ISPP - Leo, Kongkea, Elina and Kuong Shen.

Science with Grade 7

On Friday we we're very lucky to be asked by the secondary science teachers to help the Grade 7 students with microbes. Our class were buddied up with some Grade 7 students and had the task of finding germs! What fun!! They had to choose 4 different things to take a swab from and rub the swab on agar in a petri dish. The Grade 1 students had lots of interesting ideas where they thought they might find germs. They did their hands, door handles, the toilet, plant pot, shoes, floor and many other places. We get to go back this week to see the results! Can't wait to share our results on Seesaw.

Thursday, 17 August 2017

So much going on....

We have almost finished our first full week of school!

We have been very busy this week with our Unit of Inquiry learning about 'Making Choices' and checking each day about how we feel and sharing the choices we may have had to make. We worked as a class discussing and brainstorming about different ways we make healthy choices for ourselves and others. It was a completely open-ended activity where the children could share their thoughts and ask questions too.

What's on your plate?

Making healthy choices in the cafeteria for lunch:

As you all know we also began our journey on Seesaw this week and started to add pieces of work to our journals. It is such a great tool that allows the children to share with their parents and families from inside the classroom/school. 

We did a lot of work in small groups this week for Unit of Inquiry, Language and Maths. We talked about what it was like to work in groups and what you need to do in a group to successfully complete an activity. Communication and good listeners were the two main goals we worked on this week.

We spent this week reviewing Language by going back over our letter names and sounds. We also wrote our first Journal entry about our weekend and the children did a great job writing in their books independently for the first time in Grade One! They were delighted to post it on Seesaw for you and their families to see. We practiced our handwriting and concentrated on remembering where to place letters on the line when writing. We also checked that we could remember how to write both the upper case and lower case letters all correctly. 


In Maths we have also been doing a lot of revision. We practiced writing our numbers and making sure they were written correctly, we did a lot of counting - all the way to 120, skip counting in twos, fives and tens and singing lots of fun number songs. In small groups we rotated around various activities which included - dice tower game, practiced writing our numbers, created pictures using different shapes, show the number, number lines and much more!


We celebrated our first birthday this week in class. A very happy birthday to you Emma, thanks for sharing the delicious cupcakes :-)

Thursday we met our class buddies for the first time this year. We are partnered up with Mr Simon's Grade 4 class. We introduced ourselves and got to read or listen to a story. We had a great time meeting our new buddies and chatting to them. It really is a great opportunity for our Grade Ones to have buddies that are higher up the school and we can't wait to see them again!

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


Fit with Family and Fit with Friends

Grade 1 is learning that the choices people make have an impact on their health and well being.

In PE, learners are being aware of the importance of physical activity and exercise.

We would like to ask you to share pictures of your child being “Fit with Family” or “Fit with Friends” outside of the PE classes.

Please share any physical activity, sport, or games your kids play with their friends or with their family, during the weekend, after school, or even during the holidays by sending photos to the homeroom teacher or to the physical education teacher.

We will post them in the gym.

Thank you!

PE teacher: Leticia Carino leticiacarino@issp.edu.kh

Sunday, 13 August 2017

First swimming lesson & Week!

Our first swimming lesson was fantastic! Everyone showed great confidence in the pool and thoroughly enjoyed a morning swim. 

First week completed in Grade One! Spending time getting to know each other and making great friends :-)

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Back to School!

We had a fantastic first three days at school. The children were very busy exploring the campus and learning about the different routines and environment. We took a tour around the school to remind ourselves where everything is. We were pretty hot and thirsty after all the walking around but the children were very positive about being back at school, if a little tired :-)

We spent lots of time in the classroom getting to know each other and learning everyone's names. We have four students in our class that are new to ISPP this year and they have already settled into the school and class with ease. We have a really wonderful feel to the classroom and it really feels like a little community.

Who is in Ms Kelly and Mr Borey's class?

In class the children enjoyed maths and language centres, table top activities and drawing self portraits, as well as having time to enjoy free choice sessions. It was so nice to see all the children interacting so positively with each other. I am looking froward to a great year ahead.