Some of the children shared their favourite things that they had when they were a baby or toddler. Great job taking action you guys :-)
For the children to really know what they are learning about we looked at what history means and what change is. We spent time brainstorming these concepts and also sorting and ordering photos in a variety of ways.
Here we are sorting our photos in different ways:
We also took a trip to the school butterfly garden to see if we could spot some things that change. We found lots. Please take a look under your child's individual page to see the short video they made of what they saw.
Continuing with change and time, in maths we have been learning to tell the time. We have been practicing to the hour, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We had fun testing each other.
Gymnastics has been a highlight for the children during PE. Take a look at what they have been up to with the Grade 2 students.
Have a great weekend everyone!