Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Gentle Reminder

Dear Parents, 

You are invited to attend the Grade 1 End of Year Celebration of Learning next Wednesday, June 1st from 1:30 - 2:30 pm. During this time, the students will share their Personal History projects that they have been creating throughout this unit. 

Once students are finished sharing their projects with you, you are invited to stay and celebrate! Students should bring a SMALL plate of snacks to share. Each student has chosen a food that has a special memory for them that they want to share. Students will bring home an invitation for you with all the information.

Students will also be asked to take home all their school notebooks, including their portfolio and class work afterwards, so it will be great if you are here to help them take it all home.

Hope to see you all tomorrow

Kindest regards

Friday, 27 May 2016

A Very Busy Week!

We have been so busy over the past few weeks creating our memory boxes and stories. I haven't wanted to spoil the surprise for you all so I won't post any pictures of the amazing things the children have been creating. You will get to see them all on Wednesday and share in your child's special memories.

Other things that we have been doing is helping the Kindergarteners make the transition to Grade One. They came on Wednesday to hang out with us and we showed them the cafeteria and had lunch together. They also asked us lots of questions about what Grade One will be like. 

The Grade Ones are very, very excited about moving up to Grade Two. However, I will miss them all terribly :-(
They got to have some time in Grade Two meeting the teachers and asking some questions about what Grade Two will be like. They came back very happy and really looking froward to their new adventure.


We have been making core memory books with our buddies over the past two weeks. You will see them on Wednesday. They are really fantastic and the students have really worked hard on them.

Wow only 4 1/2 days of school left for this year! Where has the time gone. I am looking forward to a very fun last week with this awesome class.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Borrowing Library Books Over Summer

Dear Parents/Caregivers,

Grade One students are allowed to borrow up to 10 books over the summer holidays.

Ms Ann, the librarian, would like to know which families would like books for the holidays and which families would not like books.

Please click the link below to let Ms Ann know if you would like books for the summer:

Please let me know if you have any questions

Kindest regards,

Monday, 23 May 2016

End of Year Celebration

Dear Parents, 

You are invited to attend the Grade 1 End of Year Celebration of Learning next Wednesday, June 1st from 1:30 - 2:30 pm. During this time, the students will share their Personal History projects that they have been creating throughout this unit. 

Once students are finished sharing their projects with you, you are invited to stay and celebrate! Students should bring a SMALL plate of snacks to share. Each student has chosen a food that has a special memory for them that they want to share. Students will bring home an invitation for you with all the information.

Students will also be asked to take home all their school notebooks, including their portfolio and class work afterwards, so it will be great if you are here to help them take it all home.

Hope to see you all on Wednesday

Kindest regards

Tuesday, 17 May 2016

For Your Information!

The end of Grade One is now just 11 school days away, this means all of our items must be returned to the library.

Take Home Reading:

This week will be our final week of bringing home take home readers. Next week, Ms Nhoep and I will start collecting all of the take home readers and begin the process of returning them to the library. 

Your child will still have access to Raz-Kids (iPad or on the computer) You can continue to read these books for the rest of the school year. Raz-kids will also be available during the holidays.

Your child's Raz-Kids information is on the front of their yellow communication folder.

A note from Ms Ann in the library:

Summer Reading Lists:

Parents, staff and students are invited to contribute to our ISPP Summer Reading lists - suggestions and ideas of books we would like to read this summer (not limited to books we have in our Libraries).  There are four Summer Reading Lists:
  • Early Years to Grade 1
  • Grades 2 to 5
  • Secondary Students
  • Staff and Parents
The Reading Lists can be viewed here:

Please fill in this survey to add your ideas and suggestions to the lists:

Happy reading!

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Check us out!

Over the past two weeks we have been inquiring into our personal histories. We have been learning a lot about each other and sharing many of our memories. Mr Jon has been working with us on asking the right questions. We learnt that 'thin' questions only give us a small amount of information or a yes/no answer. Whereas 'thick' questions give us a story and lots of information. We have been working hard on coming up with questions about ourselves and this week the children will be asking their parents for the answers to these questions. 

For the children to really know what they are learning about we looked at what history means and what change is. We spent time brainstorming these concepts and also sorting and ordering photos and various items. We had lots of great discussions, however, I did start to feel really old when all the children thought a record was a cd or dvd and most of them didn't know what a cassette tape was!

Here were are sorting our photos in different ways:

Exploring various items and putting them in order from oldest to newest:

Gymnastics has been a highlight for the children at PE and I promised to upload photos of all the awesome things they have been doing with Mr Andy and Mr Will.

We have been learning all about time during Maths and one of our favourite ways to tell the time is to play what's the time Mr Wolf!

We have also been working with stopwatches and had such a great time on Friday timing each other doing various activities. Working with time can be lots of fun :-)

Gentle reminder

Monday 16 May 
• King Sihamoni's Birthday Public Holiday (School & Offices Closed)

No Mother Tongue and After School Programme

Have a great long weekend everyone and see you back at school on Tuesday 17th May.

Wednesday, 4 May 2016

80's Disco Party

80’s DISCO

The PCO is organising an 80’s Disco for all elementary school students, on Saturday 21 May, 4:00-6:00pm.  
Tickets are $5 each and will be on sale every morning from 7:10-7:30am between Building D and the Admin building.