Thursday, 18 December 2014

Sports Day, Birthday Celebrations and Mystery Reader

We had such an awesome time at Sports Day!!  Thanks to all the parents who came to support us and supplied some of these fabulous pics!! 
More to come soon.....

After sports day we were very lucky to also then help Floyd celebrate his sixth birthday. A very Happy Birthday to you Floyd and thanks for the delicious cookies :-)

Mystery Reader

A very big THANK YOU to Edgar Pang (Marcus's Dad) for coming in on Wednesday to be our mystery reader. The children always look forward to seeing who the mystery reader is going to be and they always try to guess who they think it is. This week we were treated to a book about telling the time and I was very impressed with how much the children knew already.

Edgar read - "The Mr. Men clock book" written by Catherine Shoolbred. The children knew a lot of the characters already and we started to name people in the class that we thought were very similar to the characters in the book. That was really fun and we told the time too.

The children are very proud when they have a parent, relative or friend come in to read and I would like to thank all those who have already made time for us this Semester. Next Semester we have lots more times available so please don't be shy we would love to have you. Also if you would like to read again your more than welcome to come back ;-) If the time doesn't suit please contact me and I'm sure we can find a time that will suit your schedule.

Please follow the link to sign up:

Friday December the 19th 
is a half day 
all students will finish at 12pm!!

And finally we have come to the end of the Semester. Wow I can't quite believe we have had 88 days of school!! (the children have been keeping count!) Thanks to all the children for a fabulous first semester and for always bringing your smile to the class ever morning. Parents and Caregivers thank you for your kind support and help it is very much appreciated.  I wish you all a very happy holiday and looking forward to seeing the children for loads more fun and learning next semester!! Have a fantastic break everyone and see you all in the New Year.

Enjoy any and all celebrations you may be having.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Night of Light

A very big THANK YOU to everyone who came to share in our Night of Light. The children were absolutely fabulous and I hope you all learnt some interesting things from your child. It was a really great way to end our unit of inquiry and we have many enthusiastic "little scientist" amongst us.

Here are a few pictures from the night courtesy of Ms Paula with plenty more to come.
Our slideshow has now been updated with more photos courtesy of Ms Ashley.

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Buddies and Certificates

This week we have been getting ready for our "Night of Light!" The children have been working really hard on organising and preparing experiments to show case their learning. We have so much to show you and are really looking forward to Monday evening where you can explore the children's centres with them. We started the week with some brainstorming about what experiments we would like to have on the night, we then split into groups of five and prepared a learning centre for our light evening. We also spent time revisiting all that we know and looked at what else we would like to learn more about.

We were very lucky on Friday to be treated by our buddies to an art expo. The Grade 2/3s have been inquiring into "How personal perspectives influence how people communicate through the arts." The students had all done a piece of art work which personally reflected them and explained how they were inspired by an artist and what their art work meant to them. It was very impressive and the children throughly enjoyed walking around and experiencing all the different forms of presentation that the Grade2/3s had. 

We had certificate this week. A big CONGRATULATIONS to Sophorn and Charvy on receiving a very special award each.

Charvy showed that she is PRINCIPLED. She always waits patiently for her turn and always shares all of the equipment in class. Charvy listens to instructions and will help others if they are unsure of what to do. What a super helper!!

Sophorn showed that he is a real RISK TAKER. Sophorn came to to our class with a limited English understanding, coming into a classroom environment and not being able to understand the language can be very difficult. Sophorn has shown that he is willing to try new things and will raise his hand to answer questions the best he can. What a super star!

Just a gentle reminder that we have our "Night of Light" evening this Monday, December 15 from 5.30 to 6.30 pm. The children are vey much looking forward to sharing their learning with you. Please enter the school via the Norodom gate and be sure to bring a flashlight with you. Looking forward to seeing you there.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wednesday, 10 December 2014

Mystery Reader and Sports day information

A very big THANK YOU to Erin Lucas (Anna's Mum) for coming in and reading to us. We have had a lot of wibbly wobbly teeth in our class over the past few weeks and a few teeth have fallen out at school.  Erin (with help from Anna) chose to  read us a fabulous book all about wibbly wobbly teeth. The children really enjoyed the story because Charlie and Lola are one of our favourites and they could definitely relate to the story.

Erin read Charlie and Lola -"My wobbly tooth must not ever never fall out" written by Lauren Child.

Sports Day

Our annual Sports Day is on Tuesday 16 December. It will start at 8am at the school field located opposite the Blue Pumpkin on Street 380. Please make sure that all the children are at school by 7:45am with a sunhat, sunblock and dressed in their PE uniform. 

It will be very hot so please ensure that your child takes his/her water bottle to school. There will be places at the fields to refill with water.

Parents are welcome to come and along and support the children.

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

Wacky Wednesday and a Birthday

Wacky Wednesday was such fun! We had clothes inside out and back-to-front, shorts on top of trousers and even underpants on heads!! funny sunglasses and different shoes. We had a good laugh this morning at each other and enjoyed seeing the other teachers and students dressed up.

Crazy hair
A Tiger

Back-to-front clothes

Wacky Wednesday Class

We also helped Dita celebrate her sixth birthday today. A very happy birthday to you Dita and thanks for the amazing Olaf cake. The children all received an invitation to Dita's birthday party for this Saturday the 13th at Monkey Business. Please see details on the invite.

Monday, 8 December 2014

Wacky Wednesday

Don't forget that tomorrow - Wednesday the 10 December is Wacky Wednesday and you are encouraged to dress up as wacky as you like.  It will be fun so join in as much as you like.

Friday, 5 December 2014

This week in Kindergarten

A lot has been happening in Kindergarten this week. The little scientists were again conducting an experiment - this time they were looking at shadows and they were all super inquirers. We also had our fabulous guest speaker Ms Leigh come and talk to us about light and different ways we can use it. We made fireflies and stain glass windows, our buddies drop in to say hello and we got to have shared play with all the other children from Kindergarten!!

So let's start at our shadows experiment:
We followed the same process that we did for our bubbles and sunglasses experiments. We were investigating into shadows so we made our cool little "tin foil people"

The children did the rest.....

We got into pairs and thought of a question for our investigation:

Ms Kelly wrote up the two questions we all decided on.

Then we went back with our partner and did another - I think, I wonder..... we had fabulous ideas!!

So we conducted the experiment....unfortunately the sun decided to hide form us on more than one occasion!! The children knew that we couldn't make shadows without the sun so we thought of ways to get the clouds to move. Some did a sun dance, while others crossed their fingers and toes and others just waited for the right time. Who would have thought in sunny Cambodia we would have a problem using the sun!! In the end we finally managed to do all three experiments.

Take a look at the process:

We went out 3 times - morning, noon and afternoon.  It was so interesting to see what happened to the shadows!! The children recorded the results by tracing the shadow of the "tin foil person" and colouring it.

As a whole class we recored the results:

Then with our partners we recored what we learned:

It was such a fun experiment and we shared our learning with the whole class.

Guest Speaker

A very big THANK YOU to Ms Leigh we came to share her knowledge of light with us. She showed us many ways to use light during a production and how different lights and colours can change the way we see things. 


I think our favourite light was definitely the black light:

Stain glass windows and Fireflies

This was another highlight of the week. The stain glass windows look fabulous and we were able to see which colours allow for light to travel through them. We noticed that light colours allow more light and look brighter, where as dark colours blocked the light more and looked darker.

The fireflies looked amazing.  The children were so excited to make them after reading the story "Fireflies" and discussing it.  They filled in information about the story starting with what was happening in the beginning of the story, the middle and what happened at the end. They all did a very good job understanding the story and could recall the information.  Then in small groups we made the fireflies in a jar.

Take a look:


On Friday our buddies came to see us and we spent time on a great app "Show Me." The buddies are a great help to the children and they spent this session discussing and making a plan for a story that they are going to create. Our buddies also introduce the Kindergarteners to another fabulous app called "Scholastics - story starters" that helped give them ideas about stories if they got stuck. You get to spin a wheel and it gives you lots of options to get you started. Once the stories are complete we will post them on the blog for you to see.

Shapes, Shapes, Shapes

In Maths we have been using non-standard units of measurement, we used our hands to measure ourselves and our shadows. First we drew around our hands, decorated them and then cut them out. In pairs we measured how many hands tall we were. Then we drew around our partners shadow and measured with our hands the shadow to see if the shadow was the same length as we were. Just before lunch we found our shadows were smaller than us but some of the children said they would like to do it at different times to see if there is a difference in size. What great inquirers!! We also spent lots of time exploring shapes and numbers. Here is one of our fun songs we use for skip counting!!

Take a look:

And finally we ended a very busy week with free choice time in both Ms Ishbel's and Ms Sara's room. It was great to see all the Kindergarteners together and playing with lots of friends.  

Have a great weekend everyone and I hope you all received your invitations to our "Night of Light!"